ND Empower Teens 13-18 (Drop In)
Date(s) - December 11, 2023
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Meeting Room
This is NOT your typical social skills group. There are no lesson plans, homework sheets, or neurotypical assumptions as to our abilities, needs, or challenges.
The teen EMPOWER group meets weekly to engage in conversation & activities to build our interpersonal (relationship) skills, organically. Each group is its own supportive community. We will explore a wide variety of topics to support self-esteem, confidence, ”adulting skills”, and more importantly, provide each other with a safe space where we can be ourselves without fear of shame, judgement, or having to constantly mask.
A typical meet might start with small talk (cheat sheets available), and a topic of the month to kick off the conversation. When appropriate, there may be short activities for us to explore the topic in a new way. After folk are a bit more comfortable, we do a check-in activity where we can ask for support, solutions, or perspectives. Next, we explore either the chosen topic, a new topic that came up during our check-in, or we might share our favorite books, blogs, vlogs, TikToks, movies, documentaries, websites, etc., on either the check-in topics or the conversation topic. Our last meeting of every month features a game-based activity or documentary screening, depending on the topic and the group’s needs.
Our topic of the month is a conversation starter, and not a rigid barrier for the group activities to fall within. The group members can adjust the topics to fit the needs of the group, if all members agree that it would be helpful.
From time to time, at the request of group members, there will be guests at the meeting to share a skill or provide information on specific topics. For example, a Driving Instructor, Graphic Designer, Coder, Engineer, or anyone else with specialized skills that are relevant to the group. There are also opportunities for folk from this group to attend other classes and workshops offered on weekends by the facilitator.
The facilitator, Angel (they/she), is a Life Coach, Sexual Health Educator, and anti-oppression advocate who is also wrapping up a Masters Degree in Counselling Psychology.
Bookings are closed for this event.