COVID19 Harm Reduction:
October 27, 2020
Dear Community Members and Stakeholders,
As a sex positive, safe(r) space, ASPECC believes in providing shame free space that is as safe, secure and healthy as possible. With the news regarding the Chief medical officer of health’s order 35-2020 dated October 26, 2020, we wanted to ensure that you are all up to date as to the our current COVID19 Measures:
Guests Attending ASPECC
- All guests must have a membership on file, and provide info for contact tracing as they enter.
- All guests MUST register. No Walk Ins
- Covid Screening (questionnaire and temperature taking) is mandatory before entering.
- Masks are mandatory to enter, and must be worn unless you are in your assigned seating area. **EXCPETION, The Singles table must keep masks on at their seating area**
- Hand sanitizing/washing is mandatory as you enter, leave, before and after eating, before and after physical contact activities, and after using the restroom.
- No cash! We are ONLY accepting debit, credit, tap, e-transfers. We sell canteen cards for your convenience. We now have canteen tabs, credit card required, (you can keep it open, and close it when you are ready to head out)
- Masks required in play pods if with someone outside of your cohort.
- No food and drink is to be shared.
- All walk up food/drink service is suspended
- Food and drink can be ordered from a volunteer who will bring your order to your table.
- Food servers work for tips, will be wearing a mask and face shield, and will change gloves for every order.
Volunteers and Staff
- All staff must wear masks while in the space, unless isolated in the staff room for a break.
- Canteen/food/drink service volunteers must wear a face shield with their mask.
- Surfaces to be wiped down every time a table use ends, bathrooms to be wiped every hour.
Additional SPACE Measures
- All surfaces that are touched are sanitized with hot water, and soap, and then with cleaner. This includes table tops, bathroom surfaces, door knobs, light switches, chairs, pens, pin pad etc.
- All play stations are sanitized with medical grade cleaner, and risk reduction measures (mandatory barriers, personal linens etc) are in place)
- All play stations have a see through moisture barrier around them to keep moist breath from being shared with others (play pods).
- All seating areas have a see through moisture barrier around them to keep moist breath from being shared with others (seating pods).
- All biohazardous waste disposed of appropriately
- We provide gloves, condoms, barriers etc
We understand that the ever changing rules and regulations are frustrating, and that we are all craving a return to normalcy. We are feeling the same pain as you. That said, we need to all do what we can to get through this pandemic, and that means complying with health orders and, in our opinion, being proactive about harm reduction.
Speaking of proactive, have you seen the tour?
Please be sure to read THIS post as well, regarding keeping our organizations open.