The Pleasure Crew Logo Contest

The Pleasure Crew is a volunteer fundraising group that hosts adult only events to raise funds for ASPECC. These events are hosted at Aurora Social Club. The Pleasure Crew is looking for an artist to design a creative, innovative, and professional logo for the Pleasure Crew. Keep in mind this logo will be used for all TPC communications including the website, social media, event promotion, merchandise, etc.
Everyone over the age of 18 is welcome to participate in this contest.
- $150.00 Cash
- 1 Annual Pleasure Crew Membership
- A Pride Hoodie
- Pride Rope
- Pride Candles
Submission Deadline:
June 17, 2022 at 9:00 pm
Guidelines for submissions:
- The logo MUST be the original work of the artist,
- The logo must include “The Pleasure Crew” or “TPC”;
- The logo should be simple, not be complicated or confusing, and all elements must be visible when reproduced in smaller sizes;
- The site colour palette is: Primary Colour hex: #6043C4, Background Hex: #F6F1FF, Accent Hex: #D9CFF6, Text Hex: #848484;
- The site typography use: Headers: Ridgway and Body is Roboto Slab;
- Submit only the final complete design. The final design should be completed in a digital format.; the original source file must be submitted;
- The design should be made available in high-resolution formats like SVG, PNG, JPG;
- The design should be accompanied by a brief description (one paragraph) of the design concept and the main ideas represented; and
- Submissions should also include a bio of the designer (one paragraph).
- Submissions can be sent to with the subject line “TPC Logo Contest”.
The winner will be selected by the ASPECC Board of Directors and announced on June 20, 2022. Upon being selected the winning designer assigns all ownership rights, including all intellectual property rights to the logo, to ASPECC. Additionally, ASPECC may alter, modify or revise the logo as it sees necessary to achieve the desired product. ASPECC reserves the right to not select a winner if, at its sole discretion, no suitable entries are received.