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Kindergarten ages 4-6 – how is a baby made?
What a great question! Typically, when someone wants to make a baby, you need a person who makes sperm, and a person who makes eggs. If these sperm and eggs join together, sometimes a baby can be made. A baby can grow inside the person with the eggs’ body for almost 10months before it is born!
Ages 6-11 – What a great question! Typically, when someone wants to make a baby, you need a person who makes sperm, and a person who makes eggs. If these sperm and eggs join together, sometimes a baby can be made. A baby can grow inside the person with the eggs’ uterus, for almost 10months before it is born!
Ages 11-14 – What a great question! Typically, when someone wants to make a baby, you need a person who makes sperm, and a person who makes eggs. When these people engage in sexual activities, during or after puberty, and the sperm and eggs join together, the possibility of pregnancy may occur. It is important to be aware, that pregnancy may occur even if the intent is not there, and if proper care and precautions are not utilized. Before engaging in any sexual activity, be aware of the risks so you will be able to protect yourself and your body.
Ages 14+ – What a great question! Typically, when someone wants to make a baby, you need a person who makes sperm, and a person who makes eggs. If these sperm and eggs join together with sexual activity, sometimes pregnancy may occur and a baby can be made. It is important to be aware, that pregnancy may occur even if the intent is not there, and if proper care and precautions are not utilized. Before engaging in any sexual activity, be aware of the risks so you will be able to protect yourself, your body and your partner. Knowing all the facts and information is vital when engaging in any type of sexual relationships.