KINK and HEALTH Study!!!
This just hit my inbox, and I am SO EXCITED!! There is a research team that includes sexuality experts, health care professionals and kink community folk that aims to explore, name and help bridge the gaps in healthcare for kinky people!
I desperately want to get involved, on the research end of this, but aside from my research-based nerdy glee, THIS STUDY is exactly what we need to see more of. The team is filled with all sorts of amazing individuals who are inclusive, understand the intersectionality of barriers to health, they are passionate and FUNDED to do the research!! YOU CAN GET INVOLVED and I really hope you do, as the more folk that participate, the better understanding this study will bring regarding access to health care, health issues that are common in our community, and how health professionals can do better.
This group of researchers, kinksters and sexologists formed an alliance called The Alternative Sexualities Health Research Alliance (TASHRA), and since 2012 they have been collecting data regarding the health of the kink community in San Franscisco Bay Area. Then, in 2016 they did a preliminary survey Kink Health Survey (KHS) across the USA. Now they are going international! This will be the first study of it’s kind!!!
Did I mention I was excited?! They wil be using this information to create EDUCATIONAL programs for HEALTH PROVIDERS. Which means more access, less judgement, more support! YES YES YES.